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5 Book Recommendations on the Journey of Caregiving

5 Book Recommendations on the Journey of Caregiving

Some are suddenly faced with the role of caregiver after an unexpected health event, while others gradually begin taking on more tasks on behalf of a loved one. Regardless of whether or not you see it coming, caregiving can be an emotionally complex journey.

In light of yesterday’s National Read A Book Day, choose one of our recommendations below for guidance, insights and experiences on caregiving, both heartfelt and humorous.

Actress Kimberly Williams-Paisley shares her reflections on the mother she once knew and the woman she later became after her diagnosis of a rare form of dementia at 62, called primary progressive aphasia/PPA. Williams-Paisley openly reveals her family’s missteps when it came to her mother’s care, as well as the wisdom gained from those experiences.

Cartoonist Roz Chast creatively illustrates the uncomfortable realities of caring for aging parents through humor and her signature drawings. This vibrant memoir paints an accurate picture of the toll end of life takes on us and the complicated emotions that surface as a result.

Susan Allen Toth spares no detail in her book journaling the ups and downs of caring for her sick husband who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and, later, dementia. Toth tells her story in an authentic way that addresses the isolation many caregivers feel in attempts to make them feel less alone.

This book was penned by C.S. Lewis after the death of his wife. Forgoing superficial platitudes, the legendary author explores the full range of emotions he felt during his bereavement period and marinates on faith lost and found again.

This collection of poetry and writings by 100 different medical professionals, hospice workers and family members artfully portrays the various ways Alzheimer’s has impacted their lives and the lives of their afflicted loved ones for better or for worse.

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