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Visit-A-Bit Program

Visit-A-Bit is a program serving the Greater St. Louis area that connects senior adults and volunteers to help create meaningful relationships to ensure no one feels alone.

Visit-A-Bit is a weekly socialization program that connects volunteers with seniors that may be living alone or in a senior community to develop meaningful relationships.  Pairing is based on geographic locations, interests and hobbies.    Visit-A-Bit also offers active senior participants the opportunity to play Tele-Bingo each week. The program also offers optional weekly task visits such as helping to change a battery, while also providing a range of resources to assist with sustaining independence.  

Volunteers do not need specialized medical training. They are people who provide a check-in to seniors living at home and who connect back to VNA -  helping to keep St. Louis seniors safer, healthier and reducing the chance for senior loneliness.

Learn all the details about Visit-A-Bit at the program website.

Benefits of the Visit-A-Bit Program:


  • Improve Quality of Life: To improve the quality of life for home-bound seniors and program participants suffering from loneliness.

  • Promote Independence:  Resources can be provided to promote health, independence and dignity in the home and community while offering weekly task visits for seniors.

  • Encourage Healthy Habits:  To ensure home-bound seniors are not food insecure and to provide them with nutritional resources, if needed.


  • Protect from Abuse:  To provide home-bound seniors with information about financial scams, fraud and elder abuse; and, to provide fraud prevention/detection materials and information.

  • Increase Socialization:  Weekly volunteer visits encourage the senior adult to socialize more. Interacting with others may help lighten their mood and feelings of loneliness may decrease.

  • Weekly Entertainment:  Visit-A-Bit seniors have the option to play weekly Tele-Bingo which offers short-term memory skills, hand and eye coordination and have a fun time!

For more information about VNA of Greater St. Louis’ Visit-A-Bit program, contact Michele Prevedel, at 314.918.7171, ext. 1274 or

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