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Weekly Tips & Insights

Information & Tips for Planning a Company On-Site Vaccination Program

Blog Summary:

  • Information on VNA vaccination services

  • Things to consider when planning an on-site program

  • Day-of on-site vaccination service tips

Tis’ the season for coughing, fever, and sneezing in the office. Yes, it’s flu season, but those symptoms don’t have to be a reality for you or your colleagues if you’re well protected; and, the best mode of protection is getting vaccinated.

There are many places to get vaccinations, but the most convenient place for those in the workforce is at their place of employment. So far this year, our expert RNs have conducted over 400 clinics and administered over 17,000 vaccinations at St. Louis companies, and we’re continually evaluating a high demand at area corporations because corporate leaders want to provide quality health services to their employees to keep them healthy and productive during the flu season (and year-round).

The stakes are high for companies during increased-risk times, like flu season. Therefore, our vaccination team has focused on providing the highest quality vaccination services to companies, and it is clear we have been successful. Most significantly, the VNA has be awarded the flu vaccination service contract from the Business Health Coalition in St. Louis for the last two years. As a recipient of the contract, we have been able to serve thousands of additional working people from area organizations each year. We are honored to receive the distinct opportunity, and it validates our on-site vaccination services are a convenient and effective solution for companies.

Our experience has helped us understand the best ways to conduct on-site vaccinations services in a corporate setting, and if you’re in charge of planning your company’s vaccination program, we’ve listed some important insights that can help you evaluate outside vaccination services, like us.

Planning for Your On-site Program

We believe preparation is critical to the success of a vaccination program. At the VNA, we begin our on-site program planning by asking a series of questions that can help inform program efficiencies and yield ultimate success. Questions we ask include:

1. How many employees will be served?

2. Have you offered a vaccination program before?

3. What Insurance needs to be considered?

4. What is your employee populations?

During planning, we also want ensure proper consent forms are available and distributed to participating personnel. This can be a tedious task for companies, especially smaller ones, and because these forms are required by law, we make our team available to help out when needed. As an outside service provider and health expert, our extra capacity can make a significant difference to the program’s operation.

On-Site Program Operations

On the day of the on-site clinic, nurses will set up to administer the vaccinations to each participating employee.. When our nurses provide vaccinations on-site, there are important steps that can make the patient experience more comfortable.

Additional steps include:

  1. Ensure the clinic is located in an area that can be private or experience less disruption from everyday business

  2. Have extra furniture, including a table and chairs, available in case someone needs to sit and stay longer to recover or stabilize themselves when finished

We believe it is important to accommodate to the specific needs of every organization or corporate client. We have proven to be extremely resourceful and innovative while setting up at a new location, and we work hard to find the best solution in every environment.

We hope these insights can guide your on-site vaccination program to healthy success.

To learn more about VNA's Vaccination Services, click here.

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